Annulment in singapore
Divorce vs. Annulment vs. Separation
In this article, I am going to try my best to explain these 3 concepts in layman terms. Along the way, I will mention some frequent points of confusion / misunderstandings about each concept. It is not meant to be used as legal advice or to be (mis)quoted elsewhere.
A. Divorce
2.This is the most common way to dissolve a marriage. Under the Women’s Charter, there are 5 (soon to be 6 – see: facts that can be relied on to show an “irretrievable breakdown of marriage”.
3. Within 3 years from ROM, parties are not able to file for divorce. However, one can apply for leave (permission) to divorce within these 3 years if one can show that he/she suffered “exceptional hardship” or “extreme depravity” by the other. This is not to be confused with the “3 Years Separation with Consent”, which is 1 of the facts that can be used to show “irretrievable breakdown of marriage”(see:
4. Generally speaking, there are 2 parts to divorce proceedings. There is the “Divorce” part dealing with the grounds for divorce, and the “Ancillary Matters” part dealing with the children’s issues (custody, care & control and access), monetary issues (maintenance for children and maintenance for wife / incapacitate husband) and division of matrimonial assets. If parties have an agreement on all the issues then they can proceed under the Simplified Divorce Proceedings track. Otherwise, parties will file divorce proceedings under the “normal” track where the court process aims to assist parties come to a resolution (hopefully amicably).
B. Annulment
5. Annulment is also a way to dissolve a marriage. To qualify for an annulment, there are certain specific grounds that need to be met, which are different from divorce grounds. If such grounds are satisfied, the marriage is considered “voidable”. Meaning that technically the marriage should not be valid but can continue unless steps (e.g. annulment) are taken to nullify it.
6. Just like divorce proceedings, annulment proceedings will deal with the Ancillary Matters too. However, unlike divorce, annulment proceedings can be filed within 3 years from ROM. Also, unlike divorce proceedings, there is no “simplified” track for annulment proceedings.
7. Most commonly, parties use the “non-consummation” ground. In recent times, the Family Court has scrutinized the particulars relied upon to satisfy such grounds in annulment proceedings. So, be prepared for the Judge to ask you some very personal questions as he/she probes how genuine your application is.
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