The Basics of Painting
No matter whether your goal is to become a master realist painter or simply enjoy painting as a hobby, establishing an in-depth knowledge of fundamental techniques is indispensable. These include color theory, value composition edges and brushwork.
Painters throughout history have developed efficient methods for starting and developing paintings, often available through how-to books or free online videos.
Knowing your painting requirements will help you choose the most suitable paint brush. Brushes come in all shapes and sizes; each will leave its own mark on canvas.
Bristles or filaments attached to a brush are assembled together and secured within a ferrule (a metal loop), which connects directly to its handle. There are both natural and synthetic brushes; their filament types determine what marks it can make as well as the amount of paint it can hold.
When purchasing a brush, it is essential that the filaments contain "spring." This means that when wetted, each filament will return to its proper place without becoming scrambled into one large mess. A good art store should offer a dish of water where this test can be conducted.