How to Safely Whiten Your Teeth if Your Teeth Are Sensitive

A cautious approach is necessary when whitening teeth that are sensitive in order to minimize discomfort and still produce a brighter smile. Sensitivity can be decreased with specialized whitening products, such as those with reduced peroxide or desensitizing ingredient concentrations. Ideal options include sensitive-tooth-friendly whitening toothpaste, gels, or strips. A dentist's professional care may also be more appropriate since they can keep an eye on the process and make any adjustments. The safest and most efficient technique for your needs will always be determined after consulting with a dental professional.

How to Whiten Teeth Without Causing Sensitivity to Increase – Gli Gli

How to Whiten Teeth Without Causing Sensitivity to Increase – Gli Gli

Teeth whitening is one of the most used cosmetic treatments; however, it can be pretty troublesome for sensitive teeth. Many people seek that bright smile but fear the pain associated with the procedure. Fortunately, there are methods for teeth white