Evaluate the just-concluded Harvest League from both positive and negative perspectives

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Those players able to succeed in various POE leagues are undoubtedly very well prepared. There are many community tools in the game to plan character passive trees, items, skill gem settings, and strategies to complete the atlas. Unlike most leagues, Harvest fully embraces this by letting players predict the crafting modifiers they will receive. It increases the depth of POE construction in a natural and beneficial way. Players also benefited from this and got a lot of POE Currency.

Harvest also has some critical aspects, such as garden management. After beginning to harvest the alliance, Oshabi will provide players with a small garden for use. Since POE is a game around minimization and maximization, it is not surprising that the community found the best settings for the garden in the first few weeks of the league. Once the players find out, managing the garden boils down to sowing and harvesting. It is very time-consuming to get an optimal garden, but this further exacerbates the disconnect between the Harvest League mechanics and the core game.

Another drawback is that players must work very hard to become powerful people in the game. This compressed the time for players to enjoy the fun, so it immersed them in planting and could not get out. In short, Harvest’s game loop and powerful skills do not fit the difficulty curve of Path of Exile at all. Grinding Gear Games may know this, which is why Harvest will perform some overhaul before joining the game.

The most popular part of Harvest among players is the deterministic technique. It can enable most players to create products of considerable interest or close to perfect items. The most forgiving POE has become an ingenious system like Bestiary or Delve, but those alliances still rely on RNG to some extent. Now players should focus on the current POE Heist league. Many Mac users have officially become one million of POE players. They need to go to Buy Path of Exile Currency and POE Trade as soon as possible to improve their sense of entertainment in the game.
