Steadily marching towards the path of prestige, they achieved in-house tractor engine manufacturing capacity in 2001. Post their collaboration with YANMAR, SOLIS expanded to the Japanese markets as well and they launched their first compact tractor in 2005. Between 2005 and 2011, SOLIS launched a diverse range of multi-utility tractors to suit the needs of its customers. 2014 was a remarkable year for SOLISfor it achieved a new milestone and became India’s 3rd largest tractor manufacturing company. By 2017, SOLIS had an export reach of 80,000 tractors and over 700,000 customers globally. A path-breaking moment for SOLIS, the company sold 1 lakh tractors in a single FY 2018-19. Currently, Solis has a global name with its presence in over 140+ countries. For more information, visit our website