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Recall the older runescape? Individuals goes behind varrok on world 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 to market rares, armor, and trimmed stuff? Then you would see the 1 person who says"selling muddy key. . .500k!" Well, I wondered what RS gold happened to all of the muddy keys from the world, and proceeded to buy only one on the Excahnge. First, I found out that they were... 3.4k. Well if they're 3.4k then most of the men and women who purchased them for 500k are morons. So I bought like 5, then went to the wildy, to the helpless chest, and opened it 5 times. I left out with a lot of decent items, all which I marketed on the G.E. I spent such as 17k on the keys, and made out of over 30k in the chest. I never understood it really was adequate at all. I just have one question... where do you get mussy keys out of anyhow? I understand its not a fantastic way to make amoney in any way, but its rather fun to go from the wildy to really DO SOMETHING nowadays. This varies though if you don't have an accumulator or do not use Guthan's. How many restores and sara brews should I have and that which food as well? I truly don't recall how many brews and superb restores I had, but I do remember keeping like two sharks for quick healing against Jad and the healers. As far the gloves, you may use a battle brace instead.

My friend in real life told me that full emptiness's bonus for the ranger helmet with all the dorgeshuun C'bow is great, even for my own level. This is for purely training; I don't like Pking. In my bank at the moment I have Rune C'bow, Crystal Bow, also Dorgeshuun C'bow for firearms. I have Crystal shield, obsidian shield (such as crossbows), and also for armor I have full black d'hide, complete emptiness with Runescape gold 2107 range helmet, and complete karils minus the c'bow. Definately go together with void. It's improved bonuses assist considerably with ranging.
