There are a number of differences

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As well as that, in OSRS, there's a unique Achievement Diary, which will be a book that collects all your significant achievements in one place. What's more, they're also divided into RS gold specific areas where you can obtain them. For example, finishing challenges around Varrock will lead to completing Varrock Diary.

For finishing players are rewarded with exclusive collections and things only available from those actions. Presently, there are twelve diaries accessible for OSRS players, which can be Ardougne, Desert, Falador, Fremennik, Kandarian, Karamja, Kourend Kebos, Lumbridge Draynor, Morytania, Varrock, Western Provinces, and the Wilderness Diary.

Achievement diaries are divided into four categories depending on the difficulty - easy, medium, difficult, elite. They also do not demand skills above level 40. Moderate tasks are all the times likewise easy, even though they could need some skills to be level 65. Hard ones, as the name says, are more demanding and require specific skills to be about level 75. Elite jobs are for real endgame players since they may ask for level 90 in some of the abilities. Even though completing elite jobs usually requires some time and might require certain levels in various skills, they also reward players with the best prizes. By finishing every Achievement Diaries, players gain access to Cyan trimming for Quest Point Cape and may buy exceptional Achievement Diary Cape.

The Cape is obtained with Achievement Diary Hood from Twiggy O'Korn located in Draynor Village, south of the lender. He sells it for 99k GP exclusively to gamers who have Diaries finished. It is, without a doubt, among the most difficult things to acquire in the sport as it requires not only very high skill levels but also the conclusion of various tasks which often involve complex quests. Achievement Diary Cape becomes trimmed after conclusion of quests, making the trimmed version even harder to obtain. Similar to Quest Point Cape, this thing loses its trimming when a fresh quest comes out. It's just trimmed when all of cheap RuneScape gold the quests available in the sport are completed. Therefore, every new mission has to be completed, too.
