Its like my very best option

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I risked 20k in wildy today, also got 800k in loot, but I still want if the gear wont exceed 2mil. To be honest your a little low to RuneScape gold visiting Bandos, wait until at least 80+ every combat stat. Ik, however, my friend has almost the same stats as me. . And realllllly wanna attempt it. Being a level 134 myselffrom adventure you will get wrecked and probably crashed regardless of where you go.

Hmm, il lvl def for torags... And I don't understand how, if tht was the case, my frnd wudn't have gotten tht kinda money... Have you maybe considered your friend lied? LOOL so Correct.

Did this friend possibly say what battle level she had been when she made all this money? This is a frequent response to all 3. It is a he. He revealed it to me. . So its not a lie. And he's 88cb currently (like me). . If he left it until he was even lvl88 cb that only proves tht I cud do it easily. . I'd prolly train str around 75-80ish. And my def around 70 afterwards. Although training isn't that simple, mainly cuz I get around 2hrs a day online...

Its like my very best option is to kill 300 chickens each day and bury their bones, for 30 yrs for maxed battle + maxed pray. But I don't wanna wait till im in my late 40s to go for bandos... I really do get from 3hrs to 6hrs of rs time on holidays, (except sundays, when I get two and a half hrs online.) But I seldom get them as even Saturdays are functioning for me. I spent the first day just playing for fun and powertrained the previous 3 days using slayer.

Did this friend possibly say what battle level she had been when she left all this money? This is a frequent reaction to all 3... It's a he. He showed it to me. . So its a lie. And he is 88cb now (same as me). . If he made it until he was even lvl88 cb that only proves tht I cud do buy OSRS gold readily. . I'd prolly train str around 75-80ish. And my def around 70 afterwards. Although training isn't that simple, mainly cuz I get around 2hrs a day online...
