I immediately fear bought 99 tried and herb and saved tens of thousands.

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Please do not take this as an attempt to RS gold control prices, but it is my view that c balls could rise in the coming months, increasing the cost of 99 slayer for me personally. If you have a look at long-term graphs, c all balls are at one of their lowest point for many months.

I fear whether the bot nuke comes (scheduled for july but who knows), prices could raise significantly. I know part of reason for the drop in c ball prices has been the effigy nerf, but I believe the return of robots drove costs down further. Perhaps I will be completely wrong, but I do not want to risk paying 300 or even 400 per cannonball. I'm also doing this since , I did it previously and it paid off. As soon as I heard about the first bot nuke, I immediately fear bought 99 tried and herb and saved tens of thousands.

In this instance, you are making an investment which really should not have anything to do with how many cballs you need for slaying. It's like how people feel that mining ore, banking it, then smithing it's training 2 abilities at once with better efficacy - unless doing both together somehow saves more time and money compared to performing the two separately (e.g. if there is a furnace on the road into the lender that saves you the time of having to run into a furnace following banking), they should be treated as two separate events.

Since the advent of the grand exchange, things can be traded for cash with ease, and can efficiently be considered the same thing. Say that (hypothetically) you require 100k cannonballs for slayer and can afford 200k, at 250gp each. Should you purchase 25000k 100k cannonballs and they rise to 300gp each, then you effectively have 30000k, which you may convert to money or use. Likewise, in the event the cannonballs rather fall into 200gp every day, you will effectively have 20000k, which you can convert to money or use.

Doubling the investment only doubles the return, whether it be positive or negative. If you believe cannonballs will rise, then invest as much money as you want into them: the greater the investment, the greater the possible gain on buy RuneScape gold whatever you do not wind up using. If you end up buying fewer cannonballs than you need, then if they rise you will need to pay for the rest at a higher price.
