A week ago, Grinding Gear Games officially added the 3.14 extension to Path of Exile. It also announced the end of the Path of Exile Ritual League. No matter what year’s expansion compared, it can definitely regard Ultimatum as a major update. Because it includes the latest expansion and a series of game improvements, the most notable of which is the rework of almost all activity rewards. Although compared with the previous expansion, the newly added content is not too much, but at least we can say that the number of changes and adjustments is too much, and the new league brings a lot of interesting ideas. Players are also willing to buy POE Currency to play it.
Grinding Gear Games secured some working hours, as they recently showed off all the changes that will implement in update 3.14, as well as all of them and the announcement and overview trailer for the upcoming Path of Exile 2 project. In addition, they shared the entire list of patch notes two days before they released the update for everyone to see the changes in the Ultimatum version. But we should note that the list is very long.
The first update is naturally that the game team has added the Ultimatum Challenge League, and then they have added many major and minor new content and features. Atlas and Map have also undergone some notable changes. Path of Exile Ritual League and Heist League and many previous leagues have also received more formal innovations. The development team has also balanced the development of various roles and skills in order to make every player Buy POE Currency. And players should also know that Zana League Mods will be available during 3.14.0.
In addition, the game team also changed the trade website and user interface to make it more beautiful. When players participate in PvP battles, they also have more opportunities to win more valuable rewards. Some existing bugs in the game have also been fixed. Every competitive player should summon the courage and buy more POE Currency to meet the many difficulties in the Ultimatum League.
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