Annoying villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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Annoying villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Although most players hope to create a harmonious island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, sometimes there is some confusion in the game that may cause players a headache. For example, when you meet villagers you don't like. The Animal Crossing series of games all use the personality system to design villagers and define their relationship with other residents, and new personality types are constantly added in the game.

Currently, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has nearly 400 villagers, divided into 8 different personality types. Every villager has his own personality, which defines specific preferences, styles and themes, and aims to Buy Animal Crossing Items make each island unique. If the player is eager to explore the entire island in depth, there are several recommended combinations of villager personality.

The villagers of Jock and Lazy always cause conflicts. Each island will start with a Jock villager on its island. Although they get along well with most people, the two villagers they can't stand are the villagers of Lazy and Snooty. If the player wants to create some kind of discourse from the beginning, then establishing a conflict with a villager from the beginning is the fastest way to achieve this goal. You can start looking for villagers with Jock and Lazy personality before shaking your feet, and then recruit others to join the chaos. Buck and Deli are a pair of Jock and Lazy, and they will definitely face each other regularly, so they may be villagers who want to recruit as soon as possible.

The saddest character in New Horizons should be Snooty villagers, players can find and recruit them on their islands. Villagers with the Smug personality type will be particularly annoying to players and any visitors they happen to invite to the island, and they will only get along with Cranky and Smug villagers. If the player wants to loosen the feathers on his island, then choose one or two Cranky and Smug villagers, because they play the role of tormentor and bully, it will be a wise investment for the player to have villagers with this personality type. Bree and Monique are notorious for starting drama on the island. They are two particularly greedy ACNH villagers.

On ACNH Island, Uchi is a villager figure worthy of attention. She is the "big sister" of ACNH villagers, and they are especially hostile to Cranky and Snooty Animal Crossing Items villagers. Ursula is a bear entrails, especially dazzling to the villagers she doesn't like. With Bully Island, adding an inner pool here or there to start more dramatic work can turn the paradise on this island upside down into a suitable soap opera. From the first day on the island, Uchi is one of the starting character types that players can use, which means it will be easier to invite Chaos to join Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Although players need to enrich their islands with villagers with multiple personality types, they still don't want to encounter villagers like Snooty, Smug and Cranky, because this is a terrible result for the players. If the player wants to find other villagers to torture existing residents, the easiest first step is to check the personality types that already exist on the island. If the player has tried multiple methods and failed, then the players can push the villagers into the trap and repeatedly beat them with the worm net to drive them away. Of course, this method is allowed by Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Maria Sousa 4 anos

parabéns pra vocé amiga Boa noite e boa sorte👍🐦🦜🐕🐕‍🦺🐆🦓🦌🦍🐈🐎🐃🐂🐰🐹🐫🦙🦒🐪🐐🐑🐏🦔🐿🦨🐨🐻