Rsgoldfast - The Bank is situated in one of those empty houses in Falador

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However, while these might seem to OSRS gold be readily killed and stuff, they'll be carrying food (mostly like revenants) that will respond exactly the exact same way as normal individuals, having around 15 pieces of food each that restore 15 hp. Well, if I can I will add more.

This is for many of those Members turning Freeplayer outside there. Wouldnt it be nice to not need to sell all of your members things to be able to free up bank room for f2p? I have an idea! The very first time you log in after your membership expires it asks you: Would you like to move your members just items in the Temporary Bank? If you click NO it will finish there.

If you click YES it will ask yet another question: Would you like to move your equiped members only items in the Temporary Bank? If you click No a message will appear stating"The members only items in your bank have been moved to the Temporary Bank, it is possible to take them out in any respect. Just pay a visit to the Temporary Bank in Falador" Should you click on YES a message will appear stating"Each of your buddies only items have been moved to the Temporary Bank, it is possible to take them out at anytime. Just visit the Temporary Bank at Falador"

a bit of explaining: The Bank is situated in one of the empty houses in Falador. It is only available if you have members just items in it. Members cannot use the bank. If you would like to take an item only do it like you would any other product. However, before it is transferred from the lender to your inventory a message will pop up:"WARNING: After you choose an item out of this Temporary bank you can't put it back in. Do you want to continue?" Clicking NO will exit the lender screen. Clicking YES will move the item to your inventory.

This warning could be turned off after a definite number of times exactly the like the bounty hunter and jungle warning. Exactly the same it could be turned back by the Doomsayer in Lumbridge. Tell me everything you believe. The reason members can't get it's that this could then be utilized as a second bank. When you become members a message will appear stating"The things on your Temporary Bank have been moved to buy RuneScape gold your normal bank."
