So I was in the room for around 15 minutes

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A typical "I have been playing WoW since my mother was wiping my a** and feeding me gerber murmur" prelude to the post. It's not just WoW. I've played GW2, LOTRO SWTOR, WHO, SWTOR, SWTOR, WHO, as well as every other acronym related to MMOs. In all of these games capital cities were only the place I waited for my group to form so I could go play and have fun.

FFXIV taught me to be grateful for the actions of people around me. I went to Limsa to join the ol' redcoats (malestrom I believe to be the correct name. I do not know the reason I started in Limsa however they are my obligated choice. and when I arrived at the plaza, I could hear an old song. It was a song that I had heard before which I could not identify at first, but I knew that bards can perform instruments as an honorary class. What I didn't know was that bards can get an electric guitar that could play Enter Sandman by Metallica clear enough for me to recognize it from at a distance.

So I was in the room for around 15 minutes as the dude played his entire set. Metallica, Nirvana and some other classic rock artists were playing on the radio. In the meantime, I'm gazing at the audience which he has assembled and what is it? Just the most awful looking Lala the world has ever witnessed. What's the deal? A M.Bison cosplay glamour. Are they just standing in the plaza, performing different poses to showcase their style? What's the emote? where can I find it? What is the name for that adorable minion? You can get this minion from an adventure! No way!

A Incredible Hulk-looking dude was giving a lesson on crafting to a bunch of sprouts on the way to The Wench. Another DJ was playing EDM style music on a Harp with cats waving glowsticks.

There was a lot of player driven, made by players and player-generated content going around me. The people were not just stopping at Limsa to buy a few things and then head off towards their next grind pre-raid BiS or to cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold purchase a rare mount. They were just enjoying their time playing with people who like doing them.
