When can players participate in TBC Arena Season 2?

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When can players participate in TBC Arena Season 2?

As early as nine weeks ago, players can participate in the first season of WoW TBC Classic's PvP arena, but many players are ready to welcome the second season. The release date of the second phase is not yet known, but some players predict that the second season should be released in the third phase of the game content release, approximately at the same time as the raid on the dark temple.

When TBC became popular in the mid-2000s, the expanded first WOW TBC Gold arena season lasted approximately 20 weeks. When TBC Classic was announced, the developers expected to follow a similar schedule this season. In an interview with WoW PvP anchor Venruki during The Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament, Classic's lead producer Holly Longdale stated that the second season will be earlier than originally expected. Players can restart the second season in the second stage without having to wait for the dark temple.

Although the exact date for the release of the second phase has not yet been announced, the PvP system of the game, the raid leader in the Viper Temple cave and the update of the Storm Fortress are being tested on the PTR. Although these raids were released when TBC was first released, the equipment available in these raids differed from Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair and Karazhan, so Blizzard decided to stagger the release of the classic version.

Longdale stated that the team has increased the number of arena points players earn during the remainder of the first season before the second season because Blizzard decided to end the first season early. In addition, Blizzard will reduce the cost of rewards this WOW TBC Classic Gold season before the second season is released. Therefore, the second phase and the second season of the arena are likely to be launched in the next four to six weeks.

Players are likely to see these content within the next month, of course, the specific time depends on the progress of the test. In addition, if you want to buy WOW TBC Classic Gold but don't want to spend too much time waiting, then MMOWTS can fully meet your needs. In fact, their extremely fast delivery speed makes almost all players satisfied.
