The point is that you have more power to boost

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Yeah , my alt is a feral, can relate. Though I'm prone to WOW TBC Gold tank, there are times when I just want to rest and collect badges. It's awful when the team is doing AOE pulls, but I'm just slamming away at every mob that dies before I can earn 5 combo points. Cat really doesn't shine in 5 man games unfortunately. While the value you mentioned is nice, it can be somewhat annoying. I feel much better with my personal DPS if there is an arcane mage within the group.

You can heal your wild through the power of spells. It's not like you're a boomkin who has the ability to cast spells. While I realize that I'm not here to teach you how to play, I do think that 995 is around 2/3 of the larger dps classes. Anything less than this damage is close to being a carry. A team can handle 500 dps. If you force dps to take part in these scenarios they lose any power over dungeon group leaders.

Only off-heals are allowed when the healer has become incapacitated (and their health drops dangerously) or when oom/innervate cooling down ..... I'll shut off my tank when I need to or when the tank is off for any reason and bres's cooldown is on.

It's apparent that you're always grouped with some amazing dps. The average I have for the hybrid class isn't too bad considering all the other aspects I contribute to it. I also provide 5% more critique to everyone else.

The point is that you have more power to boost your group's overall performance and ability to get the items you desire by tanking. Even when your raid's dps is low. My primary position is a lock and yes, I can do 1500 DPS. My other ret pally also has 800+ dps against trash and 1k+ for bosses. I gained all the gear I needed for ret on the pally by tanking and healing whenever I needed to and later, I was able to acquire dps gear by running with more well-equipped classes that would be competing with me or excluding them from the comp.

Do you mean heroics or raids? If that guy was talking about rogues getting benefit from CC and aiding in off-healing then he's probably talking about buy WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold heroics. This is because the average dps drop without consumables or raid buffs.
