FIFA 22 - EA's guidance was limited to briefing the players

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FIFA animators have transformed the restricted passages of FUT 22 Coins motion-captured action, such as keepie-uppies and one-on-ones dribbles into free-flowing movements that ape eleven-aside matches.

The cameras are now gone. The motion capture stage is gone. Only the Xsens suits are left. Eaves says that drift was a problem. We knew that joints of players were relative to one another, but not relative in the space. It meant that players would run around and return to their starting point ten metres away. The game changer by EA is the LPS system, which is a local positioning system. Rather than GPS satellites, LPS beacons were dotted all over the field, along with motion sensors strapped to the players their chests.

This meant that high-quality information could be recorded in an actual football match. Eaves claims that the third-tier Spanish teams were selected due to their history of rivalry. Both are professionally-run, well-coached teams with an incredible method. They play possession-based football, with control and finesse - great for video games because we want it to be fast and fun."

EA's guidance was limited to briefing the players and coaching personnel that this was the type of game that was a "must-win match." Not that the game needed more edge. Eaves recalls that players were sub-contracted, which allowed us to capture exhausted defenders or fresh forwards as the game moved on. "You could feel the animosity. It was so awful that there were so many fouls within the first five minutes. We wanted it to be exactly how we wanted it."

The off-the-ball actions including shouting, pointing and posturing - were priceless for EA in recording the intensity and physicality of a game in real life. Eaves claims that if a stuntman slides against someone in motion capture space and then they pop back up. The game doesn't provide the intensity and ferocity of a real game. "In this sport the physicality is real. The player stands up and buy FIFA 22 Coins is furious, we get all that energy and put it in our game."
