Which professions in TBC Classic perform better in the arena

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Which professions in TBC Classic perform better in the arena

Players who have played Burning Crusade Classic know that in order to test the player's PvP skills, the game introduces a new way, that is, the arena. The arena has a comprehensive MMR system that matches players with players with similar skills. There are some classes and specializations in TBC Classic that can help players achieve better performance in the arena. Players can check the following list for details.

Restoration Druid is the best all-round therapist in the arena. It provides powerful and effective treatment, as well as various forms of crowd control, survivability, and injury. The Burning Crusade Classic Gold norm has the ability to heal, surpass and defeat opponents. Subtlety Rogue has one of the most versatile toolkits in the arena, with a steady stream of crowd control and damage and survivability. This is one of the most popular specifications in the arena.

Frost Mage is good at surviving and maintaining mana in the arena. This specialization's flash mobility, herd, trap and nova group control, and crushing burst damage are unparalleled. But it is not the most flexible specification in terms of composition. Arms Warrior is another specification that can use multiple tools. Mortal Strike is one of the most powerful skills in the arena. It is very powerful, but it also applies a 50% healing debuff.

Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Hunter have historically performed poorly in the TBC arena, but they are no longer the WOW TBC Gold case in Classic. Blizzard has eliminated the dead zone. This class was previously restricted, unable to perform most of its abilities within 5 yards of the target. With the permanent disappearance of this mechanism, this class can cause damage at a higher rate. Hunter is already one of the strongest professions in PvE and is now a respected profession in PvP.

Restoration Shaman is a more difficult treatment class. It has infinite utility in the form of totem and burst damage in the form of bloodthirsty, but its healing effect is not ideal. It lacks healing over time and instant cast treatment, and its damage output may also be better. By the way, MMOWTS is selling TBC Classic Gold at the lowest price on the market. You can get more TBC Classic Gold at a lower cost.
