Amazon will reset the faction to change the cooldown for everyone

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For the past week, Amazon Game Studios has been merging servers. Although the process is going well, there are still some issues and community concerns about the results.

For the past week, Amazon Game Studios has been merging servers. Although the process is going well, there are still some issues and community concerns about the results. Some choices of which serves to merge into other servers have caused problems, and now the team is looking to solve these problems and provide some help. This made the players very at ease and inspired their desire to buy New World Gold.

Last weekend, Amazon released an explanation of how their merger plans proceed, and some criteria for deciding which to merge and which to merge. The explanation also pointed out some unresolved issues that are currently preventing some server consolidation. And some mistakes they are nursing. At first, players thought that their New World Gold and other items would disappear with the merger of the servers, but later Amazon’s announcement made them feel relieved.

Some criteria for server consolidation include looking for “close to equal faction representatives and a peak population of 1,000 people”, and believe that this should show the possibility that the server population will be healthy in the future to make the change worthwhile. This is the beginning of the recent server consolidation.

However, because of persistent errors, some servers cannot yet be merged. They explained why certain server consolidations announced and executed might not make much sense and might not produce sufficiently balanced results. In order to ensure that players normally fight on the merged server and spend New World Gold transactions on the trading post, Amazon has also paid a lot.

They relate this persistent error to housing and the impact of server consolidation and roll transfer. In terms of data, server consolidation and roll transfers pile up data on house plots, which may lead to overload and instability. They indeed reached if that point, they have determined that the house may disappear. They are proceeding cautiously, which is consistent with the recently admitted update and wrong issues. In order to help, they plan to reset the faction at one time and change the cooling time.

In the merged server, the competition may be even greater. Players need to buy New World Gold at IGGM to improve themselves, so that they are more likely to complete some arduous tasks successfully.

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