Lost Ark was released in South Korea in 2018, and since then, it has also opened its own free servers in Japan and Russia. Until the end of 2021, Amazon announced a partnership with developer Smilegate RPG, deciding to launch the European and American versions of the game.
If you've seen the gameplay video for the new Lost Ark, you might have the impression that at the beginning you won't find it anything unique, it's just an introduction to in-game classes. But if you read on, you'll see character customization, a crash course in background and story, strongholds, raids and PVP, even sailboats, and more.
All in all, Lost Ark has a lot of gameplay, and they all seem to be pretty fun.
You can experience regular MMORPG gameplay in Lost Ark, as well as ARPG similar to Diablo. The game supports a non-camera locked combat mode, and you can participate in the four-player team of monster hunting mode.
Moreover, in this MMO, players will be able to enjoy a cinematic visual experience. The game is set in the Middle Ages, and the setting is very spectacular and grand. You can experience a variety of gameplay in the game, including very interesting treasure hunting gameplay.
Lost Ark goes live on February 11, and it's free to play. Of course, you can also purchase the Founders Pack to get early access to the game on February 8th. On Steam and Amazon, you have a variety of options, and you can get a range of in-game items by purchasing these packs. These include mounts, pets, avatars, as well as currency and other Lost Ark Gold supplies.
Also, by the way. If you are currently experiencing this excellent MMO in Japan, South Korea and Russia, and you are short of Lost Ark Gold, you can go to MMOWTS to buy some for use. Or, if you wish to create your own character in a later release of Western servers, you can also keep an eye on MMOWTS. MMOWTS is a professional game token provider, it provides players with the safest and cheapest Lost Ark Gold!
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