Lost Ark:Players bought a thank you ad at the subway station closest to Dev

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While Lost Ark won't be released in North America and Europe for another two weeks, it's actually been a huge hit in its homeland of South Korea since 2019. And recently, Lost Ark loyal fans joined forces to thank the game's developers for a crowdfunding ad in the nearby

While Lost Ark won't be released in North America and Europe for another two weeks, it's actually been a huge hit in its homeland of South Korea since 2019. And recently, Lost Ark loyal fans joined forces to thank the game's developers for a crowdfunding ad in the nearby subway station.

The associated photos and translations were provided by Reddit user and Lost Ark player jaeshin, who snapped the photos at Banqiao Station, which is closest to developer Smilegate's headquarters. The ads are funded entirely by donations and cost about $20,000. The ad contains personal information from players who thank Lost Ark's developers for their continued work within the game.

A big thank you to the Lost Ark developers for creating unforgettable happy memories, they wrote in the ad. They are still playing the game and will continue to play it in the future.

According to jaeshin's post, we learned that the campaign was funded in just three days and was done with the help of 11,000 volunteers. And this gratitude isn't limited to advertising. Plus, around 600 developers will receive various cheer gifts on January 28. This may or may not happen in-game.

Fan culture has always been a highly regarded content in Korea, where fans gather to express their love or gratitude for the people they love. I'm sure the developers of Lost Ark will be very happy after seeing their thank you billboards.

This move by the fans, on the other hand, shows us that Lost Ark is a great game, and we hope that it will have long-term updates.

Lost Ark Gold

While Lost Ark won't be released until next month, there are still plenty of guides you can refer to to prepare for the game's arrival until then.

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