Though HTML5 Runescape is currently in beta

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HTML5 Though HTML5 Runescape is currently in beta, it's an important forthcoming change to OSRS GP the game. Better graphics, improved camerawork, draw distance etc. are just a few advantages of this. It is also a good idea to move away from Java is a dangerously insecure piece of software ;It is also extremely unsecure.)

Divination: New skill, move south of Draynor to get started. Innovating: New skill due in 2014. World-Events: Something related to the Sixth-Age (do the quests I stated to better understand this) where Gods compete against each other in Gielinor, with the winner being determined by the players. The first was the Battle of Lumbridge which featured Zamorak v. Saradomin (Saradomin won) The other one currently taking place is that of the Bird and the Beast which is Bandos v. Armadyl (the loser of the battle dies).

That's all I'm able to think of right now, but those are a majority of the major changes of the game. If you want to learn more about the changes that will be happening in 2014, be sure to check out this Reddit thread that summarizes the events that took place in the RuneFest 2013 event. RuneFest 2013.

I'm looking to upgrade my melee weapons. For now, my weapon of choice is a BGS, which is embarrassing for somebody like me. I was originally planning on going for chaotics, but drygores are in a state of collapse and could be within my budget.

So I need your advice. Let me tell you a little about me: I don't like being a dungeoneer. In most cases, I'm solo since I'm not one to stand in teams. It reduces my xp/hr drastically. I'm currently holding the equivalent of 87k tokens. It's also the first time I've ever earned 2m xp (which is needed for 200k tokens). If I ever did experience chaotics, I'd need to OSRS buy gold gain twice the experience I've had to date at this level. I'm able to achieve 1.2-1.5m an hour.
