Summarize what is commendable about POE Harvest that has ended

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Although the POE Harvest League is now over, most players are now enjoying the fun of robbery in the Heist League. But there are still many players who miss Harvest’s mechanism very much, which allows players to earn a lot of POE Currency without spending money. It not only enables players to have sufficient material reserves, but also allows them to get a sense of accomplishment.

GGG adds a new league to the game every three months. Over time, the number of league versions is so complicated that they have become somewhat formulaic in design. In fact, every alliance up to Harvest involved interacting with something, killing enemies, then getting loot and advancing some kind of meta-upgrade system. Even better, the alliance allows players to interact with the mechanics at their own pace, rather than being forced to use a clear speed build to make the most of the alliance.

Upgrading items is a tedious process in the game. After the player finds something better than their own product, they need to improve the quality, add slots, link these slots, color these slots, and finally start using it. In this alliance, six gears or recoloring sleeves become easier. Players can exchange items with much less friction than ever before, or make new modifiers on existing equipment to get more content.

The past has passed. Players should pay attention to the current Heist League to get more achievements. In fact, the ways to get POE Currency in Harvest or Heist are similar. Before they do, they must make a detailed planting plan or robbery action plan. Those players who don’t want to spend time on this can also POE Currency Buy and POE Items to keep their game activities going.
