Dont's -never skill, never ever do OSRS gold. Dont do gds unless compelled to due to unopenable doors. Raider Dont's -NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SKILL ANYTIME DURING A DUNGEON!!!! (I find this totally foolish and slows gds). Dont ever get whatever unecessary for bosses, this comprise potions, surplus food(unless necessary), unesecessary runes(unless necessary). Summoning familiars aren't worth it, only the rager is in warped floors. Dont gate anything dumb (farm spots, fishing spots, etc).I started playing RS about per month
I'm level 129, I started playing RS roughly a month until RS2 was formally released. Since I was in middle school at the time, it was really simple to find time (DAYS) to play RS. I mean I was a kid, made good grades and ordinary sports, etc.. But when you're than young there's just so much things you can do, and I had been one of the first people in my freaking county for DSL back (Still have it fuuuu.png), so what was wrong with getting my scape on? God know how much crap about computers that match taught my 11 year-old self.
But I'm not here to spray nostalgia throughout your faces. In the previous year RS has published mounds of high level updates: turmoil (that I hate), disorderly weapons, godwars, nex, corp, all kinds of crap. The requirements do not disturb mepersonally, there are several other items I don't have but if I had time to play more, I admit I'd definitely have them.
The matter in RuneScape that has changed the most, is the community. In the previous 3 years since PKing was eliminated, the vast majority of the older players who were members of large clans have grown up. The new era of players are here, there is no going back, and incorporating the wilderness is not going to change anything back. The PVP community I have to say is now a competitive nightmare. PVP is now nothing but a commerce of insults about x followed by and explanation for x. It can be hard to find decent PVM teams that aren't LS masses for me personally because I really don't play frequently enough to RuneScape gold buy have a chaotic weapon, or to have an excess 160M drifting around to buy turmoil.
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