Original pre-expansion World of Warcraft -- generally referred to as'vanilla' WoW -- did not remain in a single state throughout its life span. Like every expansion as, the sport received a variety of classic wow gold upgrades as the game progressed, introducing new content and features, as well as advancing the narrative on the planet.
To be able to preserve the sense of the game, Blizzard are taking a similar approach with WoW Classic. The game launched in about the same condition as vanilla WoW has been after its release, and they will be rolling out additional content in a variety of phases, following more or less the exact same sequence as the original in order to maintain the intended progression.
This represents a rest from convention for Blizzard, who at the retail sport have always unlocked fresh raids at several times for North America, Europe, and Asia. This has long been a point of contention for people who participate in or follow the race to the first completion in a new raid, but for Blackwing Lair it seems everyone will begin on a level bottom.
The other big news is that the arrival of the Darkmoon Faire, that will be a world event that provides matches, loot, and buy classic gold wow much more -- such as the much sought-after Darkmoon Decks. The Faire will put in Mulgore and Elwyn Forest, together with the festivities opening on February 10.
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