I thought they were speaking about OSRS gold

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I thought they were speaking about OSRS gold. My poor. Yeah I was speaking to OSRS.

I thought they were speaking about OSRS gold. My poor. Yeah I was speaking to OSRS.

Even with all of the flack it gets, it's still got 40k online players in this moment which sets it slightly under the quantity of players now playing Rust. Really curious what type of numbers it will pull and as a mostly OSRS participant, I really hope the game won't get inspection bombed by the OSRS players that are still mad with RS3, possibly scaring players off.

If you are trying to get into the sport and have played RS earlier or are coming from OSRS and do not like MTX whatsoever I highly suggest checking out Ironman Mode. It is a style that disables the option to trade with other gamers believing you are going to have to earn everything yourself while at precisely the same time additionally frees you from your more egregious kinds of MTX RS3 offers.

If you're a new player, RS3 has got some pretty cool lore to and can be for that alone worth checking out IMO. If you are beginning, setting the long term target of completing all of the quests will help guide you along your journey and talking of guides, if you are struggling with any pursuit (which chances are you will, probably with any pursuit that does not have an updated in-game pursuit manual ), don't hesitate to check out the RS3 wiki.

Basically any query you've got the wiki will get an answer to.

Also explore joining a clan. As soon as I played Cheap Runescape gold there were a lot of clans out there using elderly veteran players that were very friendly and willing to help out newer players.

I also agree the wiki is great and that ironman manner resembles nothing else. 249 qp and about to receive my firecape on mine. It may suck away your life though haha Just interested I dont understand my iron man will be fun? Ot only makes an already grindy match grindier. What are the advantages?
