Okay, so I am at the part where you have to sneak past the guards.

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To discover the amount of ess you will need multiply the amount of OSRS gold runs (66) by the amount of ess to give back (20). So, that's 1650, the amount of noted ess you want. Calculation #3 makes no sense. With 1000 gp left out of the beginning 100000 gp, you are just break even.

Okay, so I am at the part where you have to sneak past the guards. The very first time, both sergeants started attacking a guard. Are the goblins supposed to kill the guards or just keep them occupied? The first guard was nearly dead but the sergeants maintained hitting 0s! The next one wasn't even getting hurt at all! The next guard was facing the sergeant's way, so I ran past him. I deliberately got caught by the fourth protector knowing there wasn't any way to get past him. The second time, I told Slimefoot to stay and ran down the hall. However, instead of assaulting the goblin, the shield caught me! I am guessing it is because I forgot to go into the room, is not it? I don't understand this, and I am getting rather frustrated at the impossibility (or insane period of time) to get to the train tracks. Help, please? Never mind, I'd no idea Runescape QuestHelp would inform me just what to do! I feel pretty dumb now. Close this .

Since Pking is pretty much dead a pure is not going to do much anymore, but you're still able to make one in the event that you want. Train Attack and Strengh on Dummies at Varrock, once you get to the max level you can get on them begin taking on goblins, men, chicken etc etc.. As your levels get higher and higher proceed to more powerful npcs. I would recommend you train you attack and strength in lots of 5 levels. Progression like this would be effective. 35 att, 45 str, 40 att, 50 str. 45 att, 55 str, 50 att (should you want to stop here with assault and receive a gmaul then train str like crazy, go for it.)

I'd advise you to get 5 attack levels after every 10 approximately from 50+ since there is no point of owning a pure with 99 str and 50 attack since you would never hit. Defence, prayer, mage and range will be around you, in case you want to cheap RuneScape gold train them. More better is double comparitive there are no better! On topic I will recomend you never create a pure unless you searching for something to consume your time. Alot of people are creating new pures for bounty hunter 1 vs 1 but we dont even know when its going to emerge, might be in several weeks(not bloody likely) or it might be in a year. Make the pure once you know that you have something to use it for, rather then simply sitting at your computer waiting for 1 Measure 1 bounty hunter.
