That's not the problem. Problem is the sport modes aren't enjoyable. That's the big problem, PES plays fairly good but there's fuck all to Madden nfl 21 coins do on it and their UT is not the most user friendly. Even though EA are dreadful, I really hope FIFA isn't as dreadful as madden is this year. . I doubt it will happen so abruptly. I believe a shift inside EA would be better because they own a number of franchises of matches, and it would be amazing when they just started putting the customer at first location. But hey, like that's ever likely to happen. God Madden is indeed bad. I do not even have the sport but have played on friends' systems and talked with MUT players. If individuals believe FIFA is a bastardization of football, Madden is even worse. I used to have Madden 05 and it was a great game to playwith. Truly a shame what has happened to sports matches. Really a shame what has happened to sports matches.
The principal issue with sport games is that they will always discover a casual viewer who don't care about the best team stuff. So what happens is that the hardcore crowd is left coping with exploitive ultimate team practices with no end in sight since developers have little incentive to change their games. If you attempt something similar to this in an fps or some large aaa single player game, then consumers will fine a contest and buy Mut 21 coins provide that game their business. Never played any 2k soccer games but I've discovered that NFL 2K5 is the best football game ever. That is why I'm waiting for FIFA 22 on the next gen. That's when we will see change/improvements like we saw with FIFA 15. Then again, EA has only gotten worse since then... FIFA 13 14 were probably my favourite years though.
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