This implies go to the Forgotten Graveyard and search in a coffin.

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This implies go to the Forgotten Graveyard and search in a coffin. You should find a Dictionary of Hell. Take its ashes and kill three ghosts. The last one needs to OSRS gold drop a Necklace of Hell. Proceed to the bank and get LOTS of food! Now, after youve done this, utilize the Necklace. It should cause you to hell. Following this, Satan will look. He can hit a maximum of 25 plus a minimum of 15. Once he is dead, he'll drop the revered and rare"Satan Oracle Armor" set. Congrats! You just got the rarest armor at the game! It can be sold for upwards of 200M for each part of the armor.

I'd gotten the doll in the Witch and applied bothe Iban's Ashes (in the burnt tomb) and Iban's Shadow (in the demons)-- but then I and died in the spider area during a lag before I was able to assault Kalrag (the giant spider). I managed to recuperate a doll from the dwarf Niloof but I still couldn't seem to attack the Giant Spider! I got no health bar on the spider once I attempt to strike it and did not seem to track it either. Additionally, once I attempted to retarget the spider it said"I am already under assault". I let the attack go on for quite some time and did not seem to get anywhere.

I thought perhaps the problem was that I'd used Iban's Shadow and Iban's Ashes in the incorrect purchase. I really could not remember which I had used the Shadow or the Ashes and I didn't know if the order actually mattered. In accordance with 2 pursuit guides I looked at I was supposed to utilize the Shadow prior to the Ashes. However, my in-game quest list revealed that I should have used the Ashes first. My quest list also showed that I still needed to use these two items on the doll. I tried to re-apply the Shadow and the Ashes. I managed to get more Shadow but when I tried to relight the grave to get more Ashes I had been told"You have already collected the ashes from the tomb."

I've looked all around trusting the ash would reappear someplace or onto some character (like the doll came back from the rainbow Niloof) but have not been able to find them anywhere. I tried dropping the ring, taking another from the dwarf. . .but got the same result (got the Shadow but no Ashes) Is this something that a PM will help me with? How do I contact you? I already sent a message into Jagex claiming this might be a glitch in the game but haven't heard back in a week. Alright so after last two times I got my 70attkI attracted my Abyssal Whip, but I was wondering what additional equipment should I buy so I could get better bonuses for my own stats? So say I wanted to get much better stat bonuses for strength or attack. What gear should I buy? I am on a three mil budget.

I simply got 99 Fletching and through my quest I had the notion of having 99 Woodcutting after Fletching, then buy 99 Firemaking. Well, a brand new thought popped up in my headfor a godsword or Saradomin sword. I can not afford a godsword right now and I don't wish to spend 80 percent of my cash on the Saradomin sword. I calculated that the gain; 1,232 ( the log cost, it rose. It is about 1.5k now )x many logs that I need for 99 WC, which is about 35K-36K. In the end, I will get 44M+, sufficient cash to get a SS, Godsword, or cheap RuneScape gold even something entirely different. Then there's baby blues. . Baby dragon bones ( BBD's ) are approximately 900gp-1,000gp, which makes them not the best but a quick method of making money. Here are my existing goals, NN means Not Necessarily, meaning it would be nice to have it, but it is not something I need.
