I am now f2p I have been training str from 77 to 79 nearly 80 im quitting at 80 to find other abilities up but I will probably grow to be a member soon and I need a skill cape. If I get a skill cape I dont need fletching or cooking though only as it's very simple I want my initial 99 to be particular so I guessed strength would be pretty great. So just how long could 80-99 str take and where to RuneScape gold train?stats: Depends on where you educate, if your prepared to invest money on pots/good meals while training there, etc..
First off I'll just say - the strength skillcape is almost as popular as fletching/cooking ones nowadays. If your after a unique cape, go for a skill like mining, slayer, runecrafting, farming, hunter, agility or fishing. These can all be trained cheaply and reasonably quick enough in the event that you put your mind to it. But back to your question, where to train power. There are a number of areas that I will cite:
- Pest control. This is a lousy choice in my view, however extremely common. Due to the fairly new pest management system, its really not that fast xp anymore, and it will not get you any hitpoints xp, also certainly will be dull and Buy RS gold frustrating at times. Id guess, playing perhaps 2-3 hours every day on average, coaching from level 80-99 would take around 8-10 weeks at pest management.
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