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So. Please put in your vote. Write down something , anything to help me. Any other accounts tips are fine also. My new name is:"Eval_Riz". Add me. I don't have any friends, as I return into this game a month ago (when I'd regained the main from a year ago). I really don't have lots of friends, as most of mine have left. It would be great to RuneScape gold get to know somebody. I began the accounts last week. I will earn a log eventually. Thanks.

Well I got a 20mil budget currently hoping to get there right now I got 16.5... Since I got 99 triumphed now and havent meeled in many months I dont understand a lot about meeling atm... I am getting 75 att 75 str and 85+ defense... I know my stats are not really good at the moment, so I wish to make them . First of all, what is the best raining location for me currently, and why? I am doing flesh crawlers at the moment.

The second issue is, I really want to start player killing but I am not certain if I'm ready with my own stats. I am scared many pures or atleast very strength/range based players can overcome me easily and I'm thinking about even creating another account. I really don't want to produce a new one, so what exactly do I want to do to create my accounts player-killing efficent? I received about 700k. Thanks. Well I decided to start playing RS again cuz I have a bad impulse to! I have no friends so if anyone wants to add me. My title is Sloscin809... And if a person can I want like a manual for my specfic self... I'm a non-member. I plan on juss using melee for a long time. Apart from runes for teles. Anyone wanna help me out?Study - create teletabs; find out where shooting stars are landing; alter the element of OSRS buy gold a magic staff. Toilet - alter your own hair (also beard/mustache if your character is male) and base clothing. Kitchen - infinite supplies of some basic food; infinite supplies of cooking implements; unlimited supplies of a stat-boosting ale. Any area with a bookcase - every book from every quest, skill etc. that you've employed in-game do not have in your possession. Last but FAR at - infinite teleports to 10 distinct destinations; six at Portal Chambers, four in the Quest Hall.
